English time with Issy

This month we had great fun! We continued working on the TET routine songs every day, and we started learning new concepts about animals and body parts, through activities and songs, as well as we continued to work on the colours.

Before singing songs about each of these new concepts of animals and body parts, as well as singing songs about colours, we did some activities related to these concepts.

Another big news this month, is that Mr Ducky has started to spend full weekend with each of us, taking turns, in the Lilac class and the Blue class, and we are having lots of fun! We are all very excited!

We are now looking forward to the next season, Christmas time! And we are trying to be as good as we can before Santa Claus and the Three wise men come over!!

Much love to you all!!






Segueix-nos a les xarxes

Més novetats Mainada


El joc de la descoberta

Hola famílies! Som la classe dels Grocs i Taronges i avui us volem explicar una activitat que vam realitzar fa uns dies. Un matí, després de fer el “Bon dia”,

Llegir més

Recomanacions per l’estiu!

El període de vacances escolar pot ser un temps ple d’oportunitats per a l’aprenentatge i el desenvolupament del vostre fill o filla, alhora que gaudiu del descans i d’estar junts

Llegir més